這張彩色圖熟悉吧!Paul Smith品牌代表色!難到英國精品Paul Smith也來玩卡達車?!原來Paul Smith從16歲開始就是瘋狂的自行車騎士!終於,在這幾年全球精品單車熱潮下,Paul Smith也將一系列的自行車表現在它的作品上。現在就讓Gazelle Taiwan代您進入Paul Smith Cycling Club一探究竟吧!
沒錯,除了上次介紹美國Ralph Lauren集團在全美Club Monaco販售荷蘭皇家Gazelle精品自行車,另一邊的英國Paul Smith也不惶多讓,除了開賣自行車相關皮件週邊,甚至還在今年暑假7月成立了Paul Smith自行車隊!
還拍了一支短片呢!看來Paul Smith先生真的非常熱愛自行車運動!
馬上來介紹Paul Smith相關自行車配件包包!!朋友們、車友們,趕緊開始存錢吧!
第一件時尚單品: - ‘Mini on Location with Rapha Condor Team’ Courier Bag
Paul Smith, ‘Mini on Location with Rapha Condor Team’ courier bag new for AW10 and perfect for transporting your products as it has UVA laptop protective lining.
The bag features an adjustable shoulder strap and a waist strap – which is designed with commuting by bike in mind and is fitted with a quick release strap and concealed large zip pocket placed at the back of the bag. The bag features a flap opening which has a Velcro fastening and double plastic clasp fastenings.
Internally the bag is lined in purple canvas and further storage pockets for your apple accessories are fitted.
The courier bag is completed with a multi stripe luggage tab, cream top stitching and a Paul Smith signature logo tab placed on the side seam.
This courier bag is suitable for a 13” laptop
Size 26 x 14 x 37cm / 100% polyester with 100% leather trims
第二件時尚單品:Paul Smith Bag - ‘Mini on Location with Rapha Condor Team’ 肩背包
Paul Smith, seasonal Mini on location holdall with the Rapha Condor Team cycling alongside the multi-stripe Mini on the Nottingham Embankment.
The bag is styled with smooth chocolate brown leather handles, studded protective base and an adjustable and removable shoulder strap. The bag has a zip opening and internally the bag is lined with purple canvas and has a large zip fastened pocket.
Externally the bag is finished with a multi stripe luggage tag and is finished with a Paul Smith signature logo tab sewn into the seam.
Size 30 x 55 x 24cm / Woven 100% polyester, 100% leather trim
第三件時尚配件:Paul Smith Mini Printed Billfold Wallet
就是Paul Smith精典皮夾,只不過這次不只是四輪的Mini Copper,而是被好幾台自行車檔在後面!喜歡騎自行車的朋友還不去買?!
Paul Smith men's smooth black leather billfold wallet with a seasonal 'Mini on location' print. The Autumn/Winter 2010 picture shows the Rapha Condor Team cycling alongside the multi-stripe Mini on the Nottingham Embankment. This wallet has a Paul Smith signature logo embossment on the front and is finished with white top stitching and purple binding threads. Internally there is room for eight credit cards with large slot pockets on either side of the wallet. The large note compartment is lined in classic purple moiré fabric.
Size 9.3 x 10.9cm / 100% calf leather
最後的最後,Gazelle Taiwan要介紹給大家的就是Rapha Cycle Club
它,是一間Paul Smith今年五月份開的咖啡藝廊,裡面充滿了許許多多自行車相關照片,當然也有販售Paul Smith自行車相關限量產品!!重點是除了欣賞照片、看自行車比賽影片之外,還可以悠閒的在這裡喝上一杯英式下午茶或是一杯咖啡,說不定座在您旁邊的就是今年參加完Toer de France的選手也說不定喲!不過…為什麼要在最後介紹呢?!因為這間Rapha Cycle Club為期間限定…只營業兩個月而已。
Rapha Cycle Club, 146-148 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1