沒錯,荷蘭皇家Gazelle與全球時尚產業合作,除了與Gucci合作,現在在全美國精品店Club Monaco(Ralph Lauren集團)皆能購買、欣賞到完美的荷蘭精品自行車!
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去年獨賣Gazelle Toer Populair T3(3速),放在紐約市區的三角窗格外顯眼、吸引目光!


品牌以國際化大都會風尚見稱,設計並打造男女服裝、手袋以及配飾系列。品牌把經典和時尚融合,創造出時尚衣櫥所需要的基本單品。Club Monaco的總公司現設於美國紐約,管理達120個遍佈國際的零售點,並繼續於全球主要城市擴張其時裝領域。Club Monaco為Polo Ralph Lauren(NYSE: RL)的附屬子公司。


就像其它知名名牌一樣,Club Monaco也將品牌觸角延伸至自行車產業。但較其他名牌不同的是,Club Monaco選擇與1892年成立至今,並擁有「荷蘭皇室家族」背書的Royal Dutch Gazelle自行車精品品牌合作。而Club Monaco也以自行車來行銷終極的城市奢華。


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另一間CLUB MONACO則將Gazelle Toer Populair T3與人形模特兒擺放一起,展現出另一種城市奢華感。


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2010年夏季在全美CLUB MONACO也都可以買到Gazelle Basic時尚基本款(白色)


平面廣告】Club Monaco獨賣荷蘭皇家Gazelle自行車
gazelle at Club Monaco, Ralph Lauren1 


The Style Spy】美國知名流行時尚網站評價
Here’s the thing. I really want a bike. I walk along a bike path every morning to work and see tons (no seriously, TONS) of stylish young women on bikes. I also love how Scott Schuman is obsessed with girls on bikes… who wouldn’t be when they look this chic. I’m really pining for either a vintage one, or a vintage-looking one. I love this bike by Gazelle, which I found out after doing some research, that not only do they happen to be the BMW of bicycles, but they are the geniuses behind the Club Monaco bike that premiered this past spring. When I look at this bike I immediately picture myself riding it on some dusty road in Italy or along the cobblestones in Paris… or on my way to work.


Corduroy Magazine】美國知名文化、藝術、音樂雜誌特刊介紹
We want this. It’s a vintage black Royal Dutch Gazelle bicycle now sold by Club Monaco as part of the clothing retailer’s attempt to branch out into unique limited edition offerings. The bike is based off an original model designed in 1892 that was soon officially endorsed by the Royal Dutch family. The “Gazelle” is still considered one of the icons of the bicycle industry, with its mix of sound engineering and sleek design.
The Club Monaco edition of the bike features a clean, retro design, along with full lighting and fenders, a built-in wheel lock, front-drum brakes, and a built-in rack system and bungees for convenient storage and towing. We also love the black chain case and wheel guards, which keeps everything neat and compact, and we're big fans of the ergonomic seating.


Summer's Hottest Must-Have Accessory Has Two Wheels
If getting back on a bike as is as easy as they say it is, then we suggest you give it a whirl. From beach cruisers to 10-speeds, two-wheels are the newest must-have accessory this summer. Stars like Mary Kate Olsen, Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson have been spotted out-and-about using theeco-friendly mode of transportation. For a stylish set of wheels, Club Monacopartnered with Royal Dutch Gazelle on a chic-ified version of their Toer Populair 3-Speed, in stores now


【Club Monaco BOSTON
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