

每年十月於荷蘭工業設計大城 Eindhoven 舉行的「荷蘭設計週」(Dutch Design Week) 為荷蘭設計圈的年度盛事。今年「荷蘭設計週」將在10月23日至31日期間展出,在 9 天的展期中,各大小不同展覽將在 Eindhoven 市的 60 個場地展出,而活動項目亦高達 300 個。逐年邁向國際化的「荷蘭設計週」活動,預計將吸引更多國際設計人士的參與,欲進一步了解今年「荷蘭設計週」的展出主軸及活動內容,請造訪該活動官網:


Life Cycle Exhibition   Awardshow Dutch Design Awards    

Royal Gazelle雖然歐洲知名的皇家120年老老老品牌,卻在近十年內中的許多產品,連年獲得國際設計大獎賞識!像是最酷的Cabby-the SUV bike多功能時尚自行車、iShop買菜車、結合車燈的後貨架都是得獎作品。 

ddw_f1639_5.jpg ddw_f1158_1.jpg 



首先,我們實在不得不先將這盞跟腳踏車有關,由Yksi Ontwerp設計的「Liberation of Light」!

Liberation of Light, Yksi Ontwerp  


How Leds are going to change the world

Leds are so much more than smaller and more durable ‘light bulbs’. Greatly increasing our command and control over light, the use of LEDs, and in the near future OLEDs, will completely change the way spaces are illuminated. These new light sources offer designers possibilities to use light more freely: light will contribute to our comfort, safety, health and quality of life even more than it already does.

The Designhuis Eindhoven will host an exhibition entitled ‘Liberation of Light’. Reviewing the state of affairs in the fields of LED, OLED and design, the exhibition covers a whole range of uses: indoor and outdoor lighting, art up to and including consumer products, conceptual to material. What’s more, visitors will get a sneak preview of the near future. The exhibition runs until after Dutch Design Week, up to January 30, 2011.


Vanhulsteijn bicycles, Vanhulsteijn
VANHULSTEIJN is a Dutch company consisting of a small team of craftsmen. We try to create high-quality bikes for cycling in style. We produce our own bike designs in our own shop so we can make adjustments whenever necessary and build the bikes just the way we like them. The mix of design and craftsmanship makes it possible to give each bike a personal character.

Fast Lock Quick Carrier (FLQC) 快拆式後貨架 + EVAlution bag

Fast Rider FLQC + EVAlution, Hesling Products B.V.ddw_f1443_3.jpg

Hesling Products is a producer of FastRider bicycle bags and baskets. We are continuously improving and innovating our products. With help of industrial designer Servaes Spiekerman, we have developed a new system for detachable bicycle bags: Fast Lock Quick Carrier (FLQC).

The system is made of ABS material in combination with aluminium. One part is detachable (incorporated in the bag) and one part is mounted on the luggage carrier of the bicycle. To prevent steeling of the bicycle bag, the FLQC system has a lock with two unique keys.

With the FLQC system, we help protecting the environment by reducing plastic bags usage; the bicycle doublebag is easily taken off the bike for direct in-store use.

EVAlution bags and baskets are an evolutionary new series of bicycle accessories made of EVA material. The cooperation between industrial designer Servaes Spiekerman and the FastRider Styling department has led to a series of unique models. The EVAlution bags and baskets are moulded in one piece, ensuring strength and eliminating weak spots. The EVAlution shoppers, double bags and baskets are available in three colourways: antra/fuchsia, antra/aqua and antra/lime.


Going Dutch | Studio Mango

Studio Mango designs NRGSPOT  Studio Mango designs NRGSPOT   

Studio Mango designs NRGSPOT 
Sleek, modest and most of all recognisable. That’s the appearance that industrial design studio Studio Mango developed for Eneco’s NRGSPOTS. These charging points for electric transportation will grace the Dutch city streetscape at the end 2009. 

Electric transportation is the cleanest form of mobility. Energy supplier Eneco therefore encourages the use of electric transportation by governments, companies, and the Dutch public. The charging points - NRGSPOTS – play in this an important role. The design of the NRGSPOTS provide a positive contribution to the streetscape, which makes them suitable for a national infrastructure of charging points. 

Design on Wheels Show, Automotive Technology Centre  

The ATC Design On Wheels Show is a unique automotive design exhibition that is fully dedicated to Design for Electric Driving.

When it comes to design, this leading theme in automotive development embodies all kinds of sustainability elements. It also brings along new technology that changes the architecture of the car, giving designers new options to work with and more freedom in their designs. Design On Wheels will show a range of future concepts for electric driving from very small to big and powerful.




Made by Instaal, Instaal Work: Spin by Erik Griffioen 

Instaal produces furniture, art and other designed objects in various metals. Designers, artists and architects are the main clients of Instaal.

During Dutch Design Week, Instaal gives its clients the opportunity to present the products that Instaal made for them in the Instaal stand.

Among the works on display are designs by Piet-Hein Eek, Erik Griffioen, Leon de Lange, Lucas Maassen, Marijn van der Poll, Kaptein Roodnat, Wieki Somers, Frederike Top, and Hugo Vrijdag.



ABChairs, Roeland Otten 
台灣要代理的話應該像忠泰MOT CASA才有地方放A~Z吧!居然能將羅母字母做成椅子,真的不得不佩服設計師的巧思!

Laat je leiden door je neus, Weergaaf  


Day after day, you use your nose. When eating, washing, entering a room, even when choosing a partner. This happens subconsciously. In this way, you build a personal scent database throughout your entire life. The older you get, the more memories are stored in that database. Unfortunately, when you grow older, you also lose many memories… Until you awaken them!

Just sit quietly on the SenseSeat and you will be rewarded with a scent. You take a trip down memory lane and relive that memory.

Memories that seemed lost forever come to life by the smell of scents. The SenseSeat helps elderly people suffering from dementia to reconnect with themselves and keep the brains active.Come to the exhibition and experience it yourself!


Onomatopee 50.2: Lucas Maassen - Conceivably, the object is what it seems.

Onomatopee 50.2: Lucas Maassen - Conceivably, the object is what it seems  

Zoom Industries

Zoom Industries en Janssen Bags 
With over a decade of experience in designing and building interior and retail projects, vision and knowledge are now used to create an intriguing furniture collection. The cooperation of the partners is characterised by a field of tension between aesthetics and technique, which is also perceptible in this furniture collection. During the development, materials are applied in unusual ways, such as bent plywood. Forgotten techniques are studied and, once perfected, reintroduced in a contemporary way, as shown in the ‘low chair’. The experts will notice a suspension system that in the ‘60s brought unprecedented comfort in cars.

Products with meaning

Products with meaning, Teun Projects 
綠化,這夠綠了吧!Taipei Expo應該也要搞一張來,肯定大家搶著坐上拍照!或是放一張在公車站旁,很有可能坐得太舒服公車就跑了!

CHITCHAT and more.....

Waiting in public spaces should be more fun, finds Teun Fleskens. With that goal in mind, he designed the CHITCHAT. A swinging seat made of multiplex or polyester for one to seven people. When you sit down on it, the seat and everyone sitting on it start swinging. This usually leads to interaction because there is an element of surprise to it. It makes people talk to their neighbour. Strangers are searching together for the best balance. It breaks the ice and the atmosphere improves, which make waiting less boring. The ‘rocking trees’ in the middle provide a playful effect, especially if there are more CHITCHATS in one space.


Yksi Winkel
Designshop, Multidisciplinary

Yksi Winkel, Yksi Winkel  

想去那裡買設計品?就去Yksi Windel吧!我們在台灣就坐過圖中很像國王椅的「VIP」椅子,非常舒服,而且四腳都有隱藏起來的小輪子可以移來移去喲!可惜夏天坐會很熱。

Yksi Winkel offers an exceptional collection of jewellery, bags, accessories, books and furniture by Dutch designers. Well-known designers such as Studio Job, Richard Hutten and Makkum/Tichelaar as well as up-and-coming designers like Floris Hovers and rENs. During DDW, the spotlights are on Carla Peters’ new Dutch label Wonderable. She combines clear Western lines with age-old craft techniques from faraway countries.


Exhibition, Graphic design

Transformation, Galerie Willy Schoots  
City Islands 2010

 Half of the world population currently lives in Cities. Cities that are addressed in a modern and Western way. In these cities arise ‘urban leftover spaces’ (City Islands), which often attract local citizens who settle down there by force or by choice. There is a public discussion going on about the use of these often temporary city islands and their right to exist. City Island juxtaposes these ‘invisible’ spaces with the Real Estate Glamour of the city to pose the question about the kind of relationship they have with each other.


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