日期:2011年2月27日 (星期天)
時間:07:00 ~ 12:00
* Gazelle 1892 荷蘭皇家自行車:荷蘭製造、所有車款、2009年讀者文摘評選為「歐洲最受信任的自行車企業第一名」
* Brompton 1979 英國摺疊自行車:英國製造、摺疊自行車、2010獲得「英國女王企業大獎 - 創新 & 出口」
這個於2006年從西班牙所創辦的活動【Brompton World Championship (簡稱BWC)】,是一群愛好戶外運動的朋友們,以Brompton(也是我們俗稱的小折)為比賽的工具,身著正式服裝,展開以Brompton為主題的各種競賽。
2008年,在英國取得主辦權之後,他們就陸續在世界各國推廣這項活動,舉辦過的國家包括英國、西班牙、日本,以及今年新增的台灣賽事(BTC). 由於主辦國大力的推廣,讓參與這個活動的國家跟族群越來越盛大,也越來越豐富。
上身需著(A) 任何西裝外套(B) 任何有領上衣以及領帶(領結)(C) 戴安全帽 ** 下身禁止貼身車褲
The Brompton Taiwanese Championship will take place on Sunday, 27th February, 2011; it is the first in a series of National Championships taking place across the globe this year. The BTC is a satellite event of the Brompton World Championship, the event, now in its sixth year, was first held in Barcelona, Spain, in 2006. The BWC is a truly international event, the 2010 event, held at Blenheim Palace, England, attracted participants of up to 34 different nationalities. These satellite events are designed to make the Brompton World Chmapionship more accessible to all those who are keen to take part.
The Taiwanese event will involve 120 riders completing 20 laps of a closed 0.72km circuit, the fastest Male and Female competitors we be rewarded with return airfares and entries to the BWC, to be held at Blenheim Palace, England, on 21st August, 2010.
Jackets, collared shirts and neck ties are still a must and for those more extrovert competitors, a prize for the best dressed will also be awarded.