【日本東京】天佑日本,東京鐵塔因前陣子大地震影響限電而斷電。Tokyo tower has been switched off before and after Earth Hour this year because of electricity shortage since the massive earthquake although they did participate in Earth Hour 2011.
Earth Hour is organized by WWF. With almost 5 million supporters and a global network in over 100 countries/territories, it’s one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature. 活動官網
【泰國曼谷】Cycling is more than a Sport 騎自行車不只是運動和挑戰!平日上、下班、逛街、便利商店買東西,假日全家騎自行車出門,代步,取代汽機車不是口號!Vice's Bangkok Governor, Earth Hour ambassadors 2011 and Earth Hour presenters release caravan of bike at Earth Hour press conference, Jatujak market.
【莫斯科】WWF Russia / Alexander Evgrafov Cyclists on bikes, decorated with diode lights, run along Moscow Kremlin to show what can be done to help our planet. The temperature at the moment was around minus five Celsius.